Winter is coming in Ayuma! The fairies learn in the academy to take care of the soul animals and their offspring. Lovingly, the winter-clad fairies care for their faithful companions. With diorama. Winter time is also magical in Ayuma. An important part of the fairy academy's training is to take care of the soul animals and their sweet offspring. On their sleds, the fairies bring food to the animals at the spring. Just in time, because a magical fawn has just hatched from its egg. Immediately, the Forest Fairy hangs her lantern on a branch and takes care of the cute fawn. From its nest on a floating rock above the spring, a pelican attentively watches the hustle and bustle. With loving characters and magical animals, the Adventures of Ayuma Advent Calendar from PLAYMOBIL takes you on a magical fairy Christmas. The toy set contains two Ayuma fairy figures, three soul animals fawn, doe and skunk, a baby dinosaur, a pelican, baby raccoons, a pond with snow platform and waterfall, sledges, crystals and many more magical extras. The lantern glows after in the dark. The antlers of the doe can be decorated with crystals.